When you are planning to move a car from/to overseas, there are many international car shipping businesses to choose from.  While they serve the same purpose, there can be a difference in the quality of service. Therefore, the first thing to do is to choose a reliable car shipping company, such as GCE Logistics, with plenty of experience in that kind of service and that will be able to effectively guide you through all the steps of the process and avoid problems during the shipping.

However, we know that regardless of all your effort into choosing a trustworthy car shipping company, it is almost impossible to avoid all the risks of problems involved in car shipping. This is why, for car lovers, who have their vehicles as their most valuable possessions, trusting a company to move them from one country to another can be quite a stressful experience. It is a lot to think about: the vehicle’s safety, having your car delivered at the right time, not having any problems with customs or documentation- all of that at the same time you try not to spend a fortune with the auto shipper!

With all of that at stake, and being aware that to have a successful car shipping process you need to consider numerous factors, we have made this post to tell you some of the most common problems you could face when shipping your vehicle. Learn how to deal with these problems in case they happen, as well as how to avoid them.



A common incident that can occur during transport is damage to your vehicle. Whereas the chances of having any damages are very low when you have hired a reliable car shipping company like GCE Logistics, with a responsible team who will ensure all the safety measures are taken, sometimes things like weather or an incident during transportation could happen and you can’t do anything about it.

  • How to deal with it?

Prepare yourself. Whereas no one wants to think about the possibility of having their loved vehicle getting damaged during the shipping process, it is always a risk you need to consider. This is why hiring a good insurance plan that covers all kinds of damages is essential. Remember to also do a precise inspection, before shipping and after your car arrives at its destination, ensuring that you have received it in perfect shape and, if not, arranging everything related to insurance.


Poor communication

At the same time that hiring an auto-shipper broker to find a carrier and take care of the entire shipping process can make the process easier for the customer, it can sometimes lead to miscommunication or delays.

  • How to avoid it?

It is important to remember that, although choosing a reliable car shipping company is essential, to have smooth transportation, you also need to do your part as a customer! Establishing good communication with your car shipper is the number one step for them to understand what your expectations are and avoid any future complications. When closing a deal with a car shipper, make sure to schedule an appointment with their representatives, where you will have the opportunity to understand the process, and what your roles are, and make it clear to them what you expect – so you can both be on the same page.


Late delivery

Another common problem faced during car shipping is delayed delivery. While car shippers do everything they can to provide customers with an accurate date of expected delivery, many factors could contribute to a late shipment, such as extreme weather, mechanical problems, accidents, or traffic jams. Besides that, there is also the risk of facing any delays due to the customs process and documentation check, which is different in each country.

  • How to avoid it?

Although some delays don’t rely either on you or your shipper’s responsibility, there are some things you can do to avoid the most common delay reasons, which is usually the customs process. If you have all the documentation right, it makes it easier for customs authorities to check and release your vehicle faster. Therefore, when you are choosing a car shipping company to hire, choose one like GCE Logistics, which has all the experience in dealing with different country’s legislations and customs regimes – identifying the right documentation you need to provide for customs and ensuring a smooth flow of goods without any delays.

These are just a few examples of car shipping problems that you might face and that are most likely to happen if you don’t choose the right car shipping company to transport your vehicle.  In case you have any doubts or would like to know more about all the risks involved in car shipping and what to do to avoid them, get in touch with us!

At GCE Logistics, we are experts in car shipping and would be more than glad to provide you with some professional advice on this matter, suggesting the best solution according to your car shipping demands. Contact us for more information about our services.