The difficulty in importing goods into the Philippines is the same as for any other Southeast Asian country. Many first-time vendors who have to import anything into the Philippines don’t know about the innumerable rules and regulations they have to take care of. In all such scenarios, the Importer of Record Services IOR for the Philippines can be of great help.

Documents Required for Importing Goods Into The Philippines

  • The commercial or pro-forma invoice of the shipment.
  • A Bill of Lading is required if you are importing goods into the Philippines through sea freight.
  • Sometimes, the Philippines Customs also asks for the certificate of origin. Typically, you need it to invoke tax waivers under Free Trade Agreements.
  • The Supplemental Declaration on Valuation, a document specific to Philippine Customs, must be provided after notarization to clear the shipment.
  • Philippines Customs requires an advanced tax ruling if it was used in the goods declaration.
  • If your importing goods consist of breakbulk and bulk importations, then you might have to furnish the discharge port survey or load port survey reports.
  • Tax debit memos and credit certificates are sometimes needed to obtain duty and tax exemptions.

Importer of Record For The Philippines?

As you have seen importing goods into the Philippines requires numerous documents, making IOR services essential.

There are also other compelling reasons to use their expertise.

  • For Compliance with Local Laws: Understanding all the unique local laws of an importing country is challenging. Engaging a seasoned Importer of Record (IOR) service for the Philippines can help you navigate this issue.
  • For Getting Maximum Tax Exemptions:  Understanding tax exemption policies in the Philippines can save significant money. Experienced Importer of Record (IOR) services around all of Asia ensure clients receive the best possible tax exemptions.

Last but not least, you can focus on your core business while the Importer of Record Service IOR for the Philippines will take care of your shipments. From custom pre-approval to tax rebates, they can take care of every phase of the importation.

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